Monday, April 7, 2008

Powerset or Google?

Powerset is going to launch soon. Yes, it is a new type of search engine where it understands natural language searches. It will let the users to search by using natural language without eliminating some words as in current search engines.

Google dominates the current computer world’s search engine. However, users are required to use important keywords and leave everything else out while using it. According to Michael Arrington, he has learned to change his language when using current search engine. He leaves all the words apart from keywords. As day passes, he realised that it has overflowed into his personal communication.

However, users do not need to worry about keywords in Powerset. I found a screen shot of Powerset’s search engine result in Michael Arrington’s post. The interface is looking simple, but the results are accurate. At this moment, Powerset will only query Wikipedia and Freebase. However, the matches of the results are exactly what the search was.

The first thing that came across my mind while looking at that screen shot was Google search engine. So what I did was, I typed the exact sentence that used in Powerset to search in Google search engine and compare the result. I realised that the results in Google are not as accurate as Powerset.

Powerset search result

Google search result

So, what is going to happen next? Powerset or Google?

As a current Google user, I think I may move to Powerset when come to text searching. The main reason is, I don’t need to worry about keywords in it and I can see the results easily. However, Google still takes place for other type of searches such as image search.

So, what about you? Can Google still lead as number one in search engine?

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